Brad R


Brad R.png

I have viewed this painting on social media, Facebook and the "likes", always from a distance.
I mentioned to a couple people, including my wife Denise, that it appealed to me but I didn’t know why exactly.
Well, I received this painting as a gift on Christmas of 2020.
I opened it and viewed it through the bubble wrap and knew what it was right off.
I put it back in the box, for I was procrastinating the moment where I could actually enjoy taking it in.
(Hide it from damage in the bustle of Christmas)
The moment came, bubble wrap removed, placed on the shelf and in the light.
I knew then and now why this painting struck me, outside the fact that someone I knew actually made this remarkable piece of art.
It impacted me so very much that I had to call the artist directly.
He actually took the call and I basically started to state the following as I thought someone needed to hear this:
“This painting mesmerizes me and brings me to a time that I relish and hold dearly.
This was a moment in my life that was vivid as the day I was there.
Bobcaygeon, friends, atmosphere, no worries except for weather. You know the feeling of youth, freedom and choices of the moment. Funny though, this was not too long ago.”
Gary responded that he has received multiple communications much the same as mine, seems like a powerful thing to me whatever this quagmire of the past may be.
This art brings out deep memories of fantastic times and it was a pleasure to receive and display.
Anyways, I’m really appreciating this thing.
Thank you Gary O’Brien.
Stay healthy and safe,

